OCEAN ACCOUNTS in South Africa
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How do we standardize ocean data and capture information that is relevant locally, nationally and internationally? Essential Ocean Variables (EOVs) helps focus the marine data we collect, measure, capture and report on in a globally accepted standard.
Below you can click on the highlighted icons that have associated data ready to explore in the ODET from Algoa Bay. The icons not highlighted are an indication of data that needs to be included in this work for a complete picture of ecosystem extent and condition.
For more information on EOVs visit https://www.goosocean.org/
Nitrous oxide
Surface and subsurface currents
Dissolved organic carbon
Sea surface height
Inorganic carbon
Ocean surface heat flux
Stable carbon isotopes
Ocean surface stress
Transient tracers
Sea state
Seagrass cover and composition
Marine debris
Macroalgae canopy cover and composition
Ocean colour
Hard coral cover and composition
Ocean sound
Zooplankton biomass and diversity
Invertebrate abundance and distribution
Microbe biomass and diversity
All datasets within SAEON are accessible and some may be downloaded. Please visit https://ulwazi.saeon.ac.za/projects/open-data-platform/
If you want to contribute your data to SAEON OCEANSEA, please contact us.
Credit to the Canadian Integrated Ocean Observing System (CIOOS) and the Hakai Institute for creation of the EOV icons.