OCEAN ACCOUNTS in South Africa

Standby for more cool things to come!

Earth Observations and Modelled Data for Ecosystem Accounting

Ecosystem Accounts are inherently spatial accounts, with the implication that they strongly depend on the availability of spatially explicit datasets, including Earth Observations. EO is widely recognized as a major source of information to monitor the extent and condition of ecosystems and services provided. The advent of dense EO data streams at appropriate scales combined with the emergence of digital technologies offer unprecedented opportunities for countries to monitor the extent and condition of their ecosystems, determine ecosystem services and to use this information in compiling ecosystem accounts.

The time is now to leverage the power of Earth Observations in Ecosystem Accounting and Ocean Accounts.

Further development utilising Sentinnel2 datasets is underway and for more national scale modelling applications and cutting edge oceanographic modelling  visit the SAEON Egagasini Node and their SOMISANA teams website for current work in this space.

Sea Surface Temperature
Model comparisons in Algoa Bay
Click Here
Modelled against In Situ Data
SST in Algoa Bay
Click Here
SST Anomaly
GLORYs SST anomaly over a 10 year period from 2009-2019 in Algoa Bay
Click Here
Sea Surface Height
Algoa Bay SSH in Summer and Winter
Click Here