OCEAN ACCOUNTS in South Africa

Standby for more cool things to come!


Carbon Offsetting

The CSIR was commissioned, through Nelson Mandela University (NMU) to participate in Work Package
of this initiative, focusing on blue carbon ecosystem aspects of the OAF and investigates how the OAF
can be utilised to measure changes in blue carbon metrics and mitigation actions for any identified
declines to restore estuary habitats for carbon offsetting.

Individual Estuary Level

The work presented by this group addresses applying/adapting the ecosystem accounting approach previously developed
for South African estuaries (Van Niekerk et al. 2020) to the Algoa Bay estuaries. These include extent,
condition, pressures and ecosystem service accounts. Also, this study explores ecosystem accounting
at the individual estuary level using the Swartkops Estuary as a case study. For links to detailed reporting visit our Resources page.

Swartkops Estuary